date: 2025-01-25
I wanted to have a blog since forever but never took the time to set one up. The new web is slowly being killed by all the companies trying to centralize and control it, and *AI slop* will fill the void with fake users and fake comments. Fed up with this whole mess, I thought that I should start doing something, anything. I could have created a blog on any WordPress host, but I didn't want to encourage the bad practices that led us to this situation and, as an open-source nostalgic fanboi, I ended up here on the Gemini network.
Gemini feels like a mix of the very old web and the good old web, and that's something I could enjoy. As for the "gemtext," despite its limitations, it is a good way to focus on the content itself, and it reminds me of the raw text that was distributed before the advent of the web. If a feature is missing (like numbered lists, *italics*, or **bold text**), nothing actually prevents us from borrowing syntax from other languages like [reStructuredText] even if it's not officially parsed.
It's a *gemlog* with random thoughts. Some kind of mix between a blog, a wiki, and a personal web page. I may change the content here and there, but it will always be done to improve or clarify what I meant. Every post may also have a Links section at the bottom as a reference. Last but not least, the /now page shall follow the [nownownow] convention as a CHANGELOG of what's happening in and out of this gemlog.
I use [Sublime Text] as a text editor. All the posts and pages will be stored in a [Jujutsu] repository, and maybe backed up in a [Codeberg] repository.